"What should we have for supper?"
Good question.
You know, I was dating a guy once, and any time he asked me what I wanted for supper (if we were going out to a restaurant) I was always super indecisive. One time he sighed, shook his head and said, "we need a Magic 8 Ball".
Well you know what? That's just what I did! I went out and bought me my own Magic 8 Ball. Full-sized, even!
I felt armed and ready.
Our next dinner date, he picks me up in his car. I had my fancy decision-making tool hidden in my bag. When he asked the dreaded question, I triumphantly pulled the Magic 8 Ball from my bag, shook it vigorously and asked, "OOHH MAGIC 8 BALLL, WHAT SHOULD WE HAVE FOR SUPPERRRRRR???"
It told me, "ask again later".
Hey, do you wanna hear a story about a pickle?